Today, CAOBISCO, the European chocolate, biscuits, and confectionery industry association, has appointed Muriel Korter as its new Director-General.
Muriel Korter has been working for CAOBISCO for many years, previously as Economic Affairs Director responsible for trade matters and sourcing of ingredients. She spent her career working in EU public affairs in Brussels. She is also the current Secretary-General of CIUS, the European Sugar Users’ Association of which CAOBISCO is a founding member.
“We are excited to appoint Muriel at the helm of the Association and leverage her unique and long standing experience with our industry and in Brussels. We are confident she will be a great advocate for what our sector stands for: The unique joy we bring to our consumers while ensuring our products are produced responsibly and enjoyed mindfully. I take the opportunity to thank her predecessor, Marina Valverde for her leading CAOBISCO with integrity through great change in the past three years, and wish her good luck with her next projects” said Aldo Cristiano newly appointed Caobisco President
At the time of appointment Muriel stated “I am keen to guide CAOBISCO as a reliable and solution-oriented stakeholder for the EU Institutions. Our sectors are uniquely positioned to lead the way for a sustainable, and competitive industry in the future”.
Muriel Korter holds German and French degrees in Political Sciences (Science-Po Paris), a Bachelor in Politics and International Relations from the University of Hull, and a Masters in European Studies from the London School of Economics. She is a true European of Belgian and German descent and raised in Brussels at the core of the European Union.
For further information please contact:
Ms Muriel Korter, Director General, muriel.korter@caobisco.eu; +32 498.70.81.58