CAOBISCO engagements on nutrition and health

Information about the various options chosen by Caobisco members to guide consumers towards healthier diets and lifestyles
CAOBISCO and its membres consider that, when used in moderation, in the framework of a balanced diet and an active lifestyle, chocolate, confectionery & biscuit products have a place in the diet.
CAOBISCO members recognise that their products are essentially about bringing pleasure and enjoyment to people.
The three sectors are committed to finding reasonable and workable ways to respond to changes in societal demands and are open to the opportunity to reduce nutrients of publich health concern. To this end, CAOBISCO members have at their disposal a menu of options that they can implement to guide consumers towards healthier diets and lifestyles:
Product composition: Innovation and product formulation
Mindful eating: Product design and portion sizes
Consumer information : Clear, fact-based nutrition information
Responsible advertising and marketing to children
- Promotion of healthy lifestyles
To learn more about CAOBISCO's engagement on nutrition and health, please read the brochure attached below.
Check the annex for more initiatives!
Roundtable Discussion on the “Role and engagements of the European chocolate, biscuits and confectionery industry in the nutrition and health debate”, Brussels, 09.06.2016
On June 9th, 2016, CAOBISCO presented its engagements on health & nutrition, with a particular focus on portions, to an assembly of Stakeholders in Brussels.
Please click here to read the conclusions of the Roundtable.
And click here to read the presentation done by Caobisco President, Alessandro Cagli