Vision & Objectives

A strong and successful Chocolate, Biscuit and Confectionery Industry, respected by stakeholders with products enjoyed by consumers as part of a balanced diet
A strong and successful Chocolate, Biscuit and Confectionery Industry, respected by stakeholders with products enjoyed by consumers as part of a balanced diet CAOBISCO and its members will follow this objective by encouraging:
1. The safety, quality and taste of their products, whilst maintaining the culture and tradition of their origins;
2. The development of a business environment in which companies can meet the needs of their customers;
3. That products comply with the regulatory framework at national and European level;
4. That raw materials are sourced and products are manufactured in a responsible manner from an economical, environmental and social point of view.
1. Promote the CAOBISCO food categories to stakeholders through building confidence and trust via responsible and transparent practices throughout the supply chain, meeting consumers needs for safe, high quality, tasty and nutritious products;
2. Influence public policy, at European and Global levels via proactive and effective networking and communication with external stakeholders. Use aligned internal policy frameworks to influence current issues and to develop positions on future issues;
3. Enhance value to members by addressing their needs via a transparent, timely and efficient decision making process on all non-competitive issues relevant to member’s activities. Make best use of members' expertise and commitment in order to optimise efficiency and aligned positions through collective engagement.